Introduction to finance lease
A Finance Lease is a structured commercial lease for the purchase of equipment. The financier purchases the equipment from the supplier and allows the customer to make use of the equipment in return for lease repayments. Title of the equipment becomes that of the customer once the small residual is paid. After that no further repayments are required.

What are the benefits of a Finance Lease?
- Regular monthly repayments allows the customer to use the equipment without having to pay for the asset outright
- Repayments are 100% tax deductible
Do you have questions about finance lease? Then call 1300 21 22 23 or Contact Us.

What are the additional benefits of a Relion Finance Finance Lease?
- You can choose where to buy your equipment from. Finance the equipment you want from the supplier you trust.
- Enjoy flexible finance terms ranging from 1 – 5 years
- We offer a fixed rate term for the life of the loan assisting you when budgeting
- The Finance Lease is secured against the asset itself removing the requirement for additional security from bricks and mortar.
The information provided by Relion Finance is not financial advice. We provide information of a general nature only. If you require information specific to your situation please consult with your Accountant or Financial Planner.