Relion Finance are Marine and Boat Finance Brokers. We specialise in providing finance and insurance solutions for the purchase of boats for both commercial and for personal use. Relion Finance can tailor a finance solution to meet your specific needs. We offer a choice of fortnightly or monthly repayments.
Our loans are calculated using a fixed interest rate for the entire term of the loan. Repayments can be paid by direct debit, cheque, BPAY, internet banking, direct payroll, and cash where applicable. To help with your cash flow and to help manage your repayments we can structure a marine finance solution to include a balloon residual which we can then re-finance at the end of the loan.

Personal Boat Finance
Relion Finance offer both secured and unsecured finance options with finance terms of up to 5 years. Secured loans usually have a lower interest rate than unsecured loans and a higher chance of approval.
Commercial and Business Boat Finance
Relion Finance offer three types of commercial and business boat finance:
- Chattel Mortgage
- Commercial Hire Purchase / Hire Purchase (CHP)
- Finance Lease
Each option has it’s own Tax and Accounting features and benefits. To find out which options works best with your business please seek further advice from your Accountant.
Credit Impaired Boat Finance
Relion Finance are proud to offer one of the largest ranges of finance options for boat finance. Relion Finance are trained to assist customers in obtaining marine and boat finance even if you are credit impaired, been declared bankrupt, or are new to Australia.
We suggest you discuss your situation with us as we may be able to assist you even if you have been rejected or declined by other banks and brokers.
To speak with one of our Marine Finance Specialists call 1300 21 22 23 to find out how easy it is to get approved … or get your application started immediately by using our online application form.